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(中文) 再看《大長今》(102):崔家的結局與長今的心願
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(101):崔氏自掘墳墓被送上審判臺
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(100):內醫正的一封“遺書”
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(99):皇上面前申訴冤情
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(98):徹底揭開皇上病症的真相
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(97):長今大膽請求為皇上親自診脈
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(96):右相逼迫皇后放棄長今
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“Flowers in the Mirror” in Washington DC
A Chinese artistic movie “Flowers in the mirror” held a public screening in Washington DC
“Flowers in the mirror” is a movie based on the Chinese ancient novel “Flowers in the mirror”, the movie was awarded the Silver medal of TIVA-DC2009 Peer Award. On Jan 29, 2010, at 3pm, “Flowers in the Mirror” held a public screening in Chinatown, Community Cultural Center in Washington DC Chinatown. The director attended the screening and appreciated the support for Chinese classical literature from overseas Chinese.

The director of “Flowers in the Mirror” came to the screening and thanked oversea Chinese for supporting the Traditional Culture. read more
Shen Yun Welcomes Chinese New Year with Unbelievable Show in New York
NEW YORK—The show billed to be “leaving millions in awe,” impressed musician and dance team Henry and Nicole Boote in New York Sunday. The Bootes attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at Radio City Music Hall for the celebration of the Chinese New Year on Feb. 14.

The curtain call at the Shen Yun Performing Arts show at Radio City Music Hall on Feb. 14, commencing the Year of the Tiger.
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(95):驚聞崔氏一家被捕入獄
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