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“Forever” Plays Upon My Heart-Strings
I had been waiting for new films from Shen Zhou Film Studio and finally found a trailer. After opening the link, I was greeted with poetic images and fresh music. As the melodious notes played upon my heart-strings, an indescribable inspiration welled up in me, as if tears were flowing deep in my heart. read more
(中文) 神洲新片《輪迴》在美國華盛頓獲獎
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(中文) 轉動人心,轉變世界,第四屆神洲國際電影節圓滿落幕
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(中文) 第四屆神洲國際電影節在臺開幕
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(112):圓滿完成此生救人的使命
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(111):成全長今的兩種愛慕方式
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(110):太后急令將長今收入後宮
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(109):一眼斷出皇上夜夜不得安眠
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(中文) 神洲新片《誓約》精彩劇照 (二)
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(中文) 神洲新片《誓約》精彩劇照 (一)
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