Series Report Number One: All Strata of Japanese Society Celebrate Shen Zhou Festival

On July18th,2009, near Zhudi Station of Tokyo, a striking big green poster with Japaenese letters caught people’s attention. On it was written,”The Third Shen Zhou International Film Festival”. The theater packed a full house. At 10am in the morning,two emcees solemnly announced that the festival was officially started.

Korean organizer Li Dongxun who is also a representative of the Second Shen Zhou International Film Festival made a special trip just to express his congratulations. He said that in the second film festival which was held last year in South Korea,the audience came away with a new understanding of human rights and that he also received support from all levels of society. Because of that film festival, people had a realization which was, the brutal persecution of Falun Gong still exists in Mainland China. The protection of human rights is a worldwide value and hopes we can all work together to achieve this goal.

Speech of Korean representative of the Second Shen Zhou International Film Festival Li Dongxun
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