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Category Archives: Film Review
(中文) 再看《大長今》(46):危機時刻放下對勝利的執著轉危為安
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(中文) 影視構圖(四) 影視畫面構圖的因素分析
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(45): 搭上生命的險關再次降臨
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(中文) 看電影“功夫”的感悟(四)
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The Split Screen Menu – ‘ Spotlight ‘
Katie W
As we enter the information era, people demand more and more information. As a result, films come with the Split Screen Menu. In order to provide the audience with the most information in the shortest time, some movie specialists are discussing how to split the screen into small menus. Also they are trying to identify the position, size, and changing paces and contents of these small menus.
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(44):崔氏設難促長今成為競賽主角
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(中文) 再看《大長今》(43):太后突然宣佈長今太平館競賽獲勝
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(中文) 影視構圖(三)攝影(像)構圖
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(中文) 影評:《卡庭森林》─在謊言中的年歲
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